Advice and Scenarios Database

Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in Division 7.d (eastern English Channel)
StockCode (Assessment Component)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Division 7.d plaice stock Total catch^
Division 7.d plaice stock Wanted catch*
Division 7.d plaice stock Unwanted catch*
Division 7.d plaice stock Ftotal
Division 7.d plaice stock Fwanted (ages 3–6)
Division 7.d plaice stock Funwanted (ages 3–6)
Division 7.d plaice stock SSB
Division 7.d plaice stock % SSB change **
Division 7.d plaice stock % change in wanted catch ***
Division 7.d plaice stock % advice change$
Plaice in Division 7.d # Total catch
Plaice in Division 7.d # Wanted catch*
Plaice in Division 7.d # Unwanted catch*
Plaice in Division 7.d # % change in wanted catch ^^
Plaice in Division 7.d # % change in the 7.d portion of the TAC ##
Plaice in Division 7.d # % advice change ###
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021
(t) (t) (t) (ratio) (ratio) (ratio) (t) (%) (%) (%) (t) (t) (t) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP ^^^: FMSY 9073 4697 4376 0.25 0.115 0.135 41084 0.37 18 15.4 10687 5533 5155 10.6 36 15.9
F= MAP FMSY lower 6545 3389 3156 0.175 0.081 0.094 43874 7.2 -14.8 -16.8 7710 3992 3718 -20 -1.92 -16.4
F= MAP FMSY upper 12029 6225 5804 0.344 0.159 0.185 37864 -7.5 56 53 14170 7333 6837 47 80 54
Other scenarios
MSY approach: FMSY 9073 4697 4376 0.25 0.115 0.135 41084 0.37 18 15.4 10687 5533 5155 10.6 36 15.9
F = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51248 25 -100 -100 0 0 0 -100 -100 -100
Fpa 12510 6473 6037 0.36 0.166 0.194 37344 -8.8 63 59 14737 7625 7112 52 87 60
Flim 16468 8514 7954 0.5 0.23 0.27 33127 -19.1 114 109 19399 10029 9370 100 147 110
SSB (2021) = Blim 31231 16016 15215 1.22 0.56 0.66 18447 -55 300 300 36790 18867 17923 280 370 300
SSB (2021) = Bpa 23575 12156 11420 0.8 0.37 0.43 25826 -37 210 200 27771 14319 13452 186 250 200
SSB (2021) = MSYBtrigger 23575 12156 11420 0.8 0.37 0.43 25826 -37 210 200 27771 14319 13452 186 250 200
F = F2019 8498 4400 4099 0.23 0.107 0.125 41715 1.91 10.5 8.1 10011 5183 4828 3.6 27 8.5

Symbol Footnotes
* “Wanted” and “unwanted” catch are used to describe fish that would be landed and discarded in the absence of the EU landing obligation, based on discard rate estimates for 2016–2018.
** SSB 2021 relative to SSB 2020.
*** Wanted catch in 2020 relative to the ICES estimates of landings in 2018 (3980 t) for the Division 7.d plaice stock.
# All plaice in Division 7.d, including plaice originating from the North Sea and the western English Channel, according to a ratio calculated over the years 2003–2018: 15.1% of the plaice landed in Division 7.d is assumed to originate from the North Sea and the western English Channel, and this is added to the predicted values for the Division 7.d plaice stock. The ratio is applied to total catch, wanted catch, and unwanted catch.
## Total catch in 2020 relative to the Division 7.d proportion of the TAC in 2019 (10 354 t), assuming the same proportion of the TAC is taken from Division 7.e as during 2003–2018.
### Total catch in 2020 relative to advice value 2019 (9225 t) for plaice caught in Division 7.d.
^ Differences between the total catch and the sum of wanted and unwanted catches result from rounding.
^^ Wanted catch in 2020 relative to the ICES estimates of landings in 2018 (5 004 t) for plaice caught in Division 7.d.
^^^ EU multiannual plan (MAP) for the Western Waters (EU, 2019).
$ Total catch in 2020 relative to advice value 2019 (7864 t) for the Division 7.d plaice stock.