Advice and Scenarios Database

Sole (Solea solea) in Subarea 4 (North Sea)
StockCode (Assessment Component)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch*
Wanted catch**
Unwanted catch
Ftotal (ages 2–6)#
Fwanted (ages 2–6)
Funwanted (ages 1–3)
% SSB change***
% TAC change^
% Advice change^^
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021
(t) (t) (t) (ratio) (ratio) (ratio) (t) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP^^^: FMSY 17545 15117 2427 0.2 0.166 0.058 89527 63 40 37
F = MAP FMSY lower 10192 8787 1406 0.113 0.093 0.033 96677 76 -18.8 -20
F = MAP FMSY upper 29767 25625 4142 0.37 0.3 0.106 77682 42 137 133
Other scenarios
MSY approach: FMSY 17545 15117 2427 0.2 0.166 0.058 89527 63 40 37
Fmp (former management plan) 17386 14980 2405 0.2 0.165 0.058 89682 64 38 36
F = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106614 95 -100 -100
Fpa 34646 29814 4832 0.44 0.36 0.127 72969 33 176 171
Flim 46007 39551 6456 0.63 0.52 0.182 62038 13.3 270 260
SSB (2021) = Bpa 72372 62040 10332 1.24 1.02 0.36 37000 -32 480 470
SSB (2021) = Blim 83891 71796 12095 1.65 1.36 0.48 26300 -52 570 560
SSB (2021) = MSY Btrigger 72372 62040 10332 1.24 1.02 0.36 37000 -32 480 470
F = F2019 18702 16113 2589 0.22 0.178 0.062 88404 61 49 46
Roll-over TAC 12555 10822 1733 0.141 0.116 0.041 94378 72 0 -1.92

Symbol Footnotes
* Differences between the total catch and the sum of wanted and unwanted catches result from rounding.
** “Wanted” and “unwanted” catch are used to describe fish that would be landed and discarded in the absence of the EU landing obligation, based on average discard rate estimates for 2016–2018. * SSB 2021 relative to SSB 2020.
# Fwanted and Funwanted do not sum up to the Ftotal as they are calculated using different ages.
^ Total catch in 2020 relative to TAC in 2019 (12 555 tonnes).
^^ Total catch in 2020 relative to advice value 2019 (12 801 tonnes).
^^^ EU multiannual plan (MAP) for the North Sea (EU, 2018).