Advice and Scenarios Database

Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in Subarea 4 (North Sea) and Subdivision 20 (Skagerrak)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch
Projected landings*
Projected discards**
Ftotal ages 2–6^^^
Fprojected landings ages 2–6
Fprojected discards ages 2–3
% SSB change***
% TAC change^
% advice change^^
2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022 2022
(t) (t) (t) (ratio) (ratio) (ratio) (t) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach: FMSY 167785 91424 76361 0.21 0.085 0.21 1251928 7.8 0.77 0.77
Other scenarios
F=MAP FMSY upper 230033 125931 104102 0.3 0.121 0.3 1192176 2.7 38 38
F=MAP FMSY lower 119975 65183 54792 0.146 0.059 0.146 1298045 11.8 -28 -28
F=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1416031 22 -100 -100
Fpa 274144 150643 123501 0.37 0.149 0.37 1150050 -0.97 65 65
Flim 358855 198795 160060 0.52 0.21 0.52 1069713 -7.9 116 116
SSB (2022)= Blim 1382057 979775 402282 12.1 4.9 12.1 207288 -82 730 730
SSB (2022)= Bpa 1274334 875492 398842 8.5 3.4 8.5 290203 -75 670 670
SSB (2022)= MSYBtrigger 925459 567592 357867 2.8 1.13 2.8 564599 -51 460 460
Rollover TAC 166499 90713 75786 0.21 0.084 0.21 1253171 7.9 0 0
F2021=F2020 136005 73957 62048 0.167 0.068 0.167 1282562 10.4 -18.3 -18.3

Symbol Footnotes
* “Projected” (marketable) landings and discards are used to describe fish that would be landed and discarded in the absence of the EU landing obligation, based on average discard rate estimates for 2017–2019. Both projected landing and projected discards refer to Subarea 4 and Subdivision 20, calculated as the projected total stock catch (including Division 7.d) deducted by the catch of plaice from Subarea 4 taken in Division 7.d in 2021. The subtracted value (633 t of projected landings and 920 t of projected discards) is estimated based on the plaice catch advice for Division 7.d for 2021.
** Including BMS landings (EU stocks), assuming recent discard rates.
*** SSB 2022 relative to SSB 2021.
^ Total catch in 2021 relative to the combined TAC of Subarea 4 and Subdivision 20 in 2020 (166 499 t).
^^ Total catch in 2021 relative to the advice value 2020 (166 499 t).
^^^ Fprojected landings and Fprojected discards do not sum up to the Ftotal, as they are calculated using different ages.