Advice and Scenarios Database

Cod (Gadus morhua) in subdivisions 22-24, western Baltic stock (western Baltic Sea)
StockCode (Assessment Component)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch*
Commercial catch, assuming recreational catch of 1754 tonnes
% SSB change***
% advice change^
2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
(t) (t) (ratio) (ratio) (t) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP^^: FMSY × (SSB2018/ MSY Btrigger) 5295 3541 0.188 0.13 48929 76 52
EU MAP: Flower × (SSB2018/ MSY Btrigger) 3130 1376 0.11 0.05 51190 84 -10
Other scenarios
ICES MSY approach: F = FMSY × (SSB2018/ MSYBtrigger) 5295 3541 0.188 0.13 48929 76 52
FMSY 7154 5400 0.26 0.2 46848 69 106
Zero commercial catch^^^ 1754 0 0.06 0 52747 90 -50
Fpa 17569 15815 0.74 0.67 35931 29 406
Flim 22078 20324 1.01 0.93 31076 12 535
SSB (2019) = Blim 25804 24050 1.27 1.18 27399 -1 643
SSB (2019) = Bpa 15195 13441 0.62 0.55 38399 38 337
SSB (2019) = MSYBtrigger 15195 13441 0.62 0.55 38399 38 337
F = F2017 9792 8038 0.37 0.3 43779 58 182
F = MAP FMSY lower F = Flower × (SSB2018/ MSYBtrigger)^^^ 3130 1376 0.11 0.05 51190 84 -10
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.01 3462 1708 0.12 0.06 50841 83 0
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.02 3736 1982 0.13 0.07 50503 82 8
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.03 4009 2255 0.14 0.08 50226 81 15
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.04 4281 2527 0.15 0.09 49949 80 23
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.05 4551 2797 0.16 0.1 49693 79 31
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.06 4820 3066 0.17 0.11 49425 78 39
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.07 5085 3331 0.18 0.12 49149 77 46
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.08 5347 3593 0.19 0.13 48874 76 54
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.09 5608 3854 0.2 0.14 48602 75 61
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.10 5867 4113 0.21 0.15 48332 74 69
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.11 6126 4372 0.22 0.16 48064 73 76
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.12 6386 4632 0.23 0.17 47792 72 84
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.13 6643 4889 0.24 0.18 47469 71 91
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.14 6899 5145 0.25 0.19 47133 70 99
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.15 7154 5400 0.26 0.2 46848 69 106
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.16 7407 5653 0.27 0.21 46568 68 113
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.17 7658 5904 0.28 0.22 46289 67 120
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.18 7908 6154 0.29 0.23 46012 66 128
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.19 8154 6400 0.3 0.24 45738 65 135
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.20 8399 6645 0.31 0.25 45466 64 142
F = MAP FMSY lower + 0.21 8643 6889 0.32 0.26 45201 63 149
F = MAP FMSY upper F = Fupper × (SSB2018/ MSYBtrigger)^^^ 8774 7020 0.33 0.26 45098 62 152

Symbol Footnotes
* Includes commercial and recreational catch.
** The split of total F into commercial and recreational in the short-term forecast corresponds to assuming the same selection pattern and weight of fish in the commercial and recreational fisheries. However, the commercial and recreational fisheries have different selection patterns and, therefore, changes in the relative balance between the two fisheries will result in a change in overall selection pattern and may impact the MSY reference points.
*** SSB 2019 relative to SSB 2018.
^ Total catch in 2018 relative to total catch corresponding to the advice for 2017 (3475 t, including commercial and recreational catch).
^^ MAP = EU multiannual plan (EU, 2016).
^^^ As SSB(2018) is below MSY Btrigger, the Flower and Fupper values in the MAP are adjusted by the SSB2018/MSY Btrigger ratio. In this situation, values of F larger than FMSY × SSB2018/MSY Btrigger = 0.26 × 0.7232 = 0.188 (corresponding to total catches of 5295 t in 2018) are not applicable under the MAP, (in Ftotal (2018) column)