Advice and Scenarios Database

Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in divisions 8.a-b (northern and central Bay of Biscay)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch^
Commer-cial landings*
Recrea-tional removals*
Commer-cial discards
Total F
F* Commer-cial landings
F* Recrea-tional removals
% SSB change^^
% advice change^^^
2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022
(t) (t) (t) (t) (ratio) (ratio) (ratio) (t) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP #: FMSY 3108 2311 666 131 0.123 0.096 0.027 16964 -0.85 23
F = MAP FMSY lower 2966 2206 635 125 0.117 0.091 0.026 17066 -0.25 23
F = MAP FMSYupper 3770 2804 808 158 0.151 0.118 0.033 16485 -3.7 23
Other scenarios
F = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19229 12.4 -100
F = Fpa 3108 2311 666 131 0.123 0.096 0.027 16964 -0.85 23
F = Flim 4253 3162 912 179 0.172 0.134 0.038 16138 -5.7 68
SSB2022 = Blim 10224 7592 2203 429 0.47 0.37 0.103 11920 -30 304
SSB2022 = Bpa 3489 2594 748 147 0.139 0.108 0.03 16688 -2.5 38
SSB2022 = MSYBtrigger 3489 2594 748 147 0.139 0.108 0.03 16688 -2.5 38
F = F2019 = Fsq 2921 2172 626 123 0.115 0.09 0.025 17099 -0.06 15.3

Symbol Footnotes
* The split of commercial landings and recreational removals, and F, in the short-term forecast account for the new recreational removals’ multiplier in 2020, which corresponds to a reduced two fish-bag limit in 2020.
# EU multiannual plan (MAP; EU, 2019).
^ Includes projected commercial landings, recreational removals, and commercial discards, computed assuming an average ratio of 4.2%. “Projected landings” is the predicted landed catch above the minimum conservation reference size. “Projected discards” refers to landings below the minimum conservation reference size and discards.
^^ SSB 2022 relative to SSB 2021.
^^^ Advice value for 2021 relative to the corresponding 2020 values (MAP advice of 2533, 2417, and 3075 tonnes, respectively; other values are relative to FMSY).