Advice and Scenarios Database

Horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in Division 9.a (Atlantic Iberian waters)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

SSB *,#
% SSB change**
% Catch change***
% Advice change^
2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022 2022
(t) (ratio) (t) (t) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach: FMSY 128627 0.11 1185843 1156148 -3 262 10
Other scenarios
F = 0 0 0 1190922 1287501 8 -100 -100
F = F2020 34080 0.028 1189558 1250868 5 -4 -71
Management Plan ^^ 55938 0.045 1188772 1229421 3 57 -52
F = F2020 × 1.2 42787 0.034 1189286 1243669 5 20 -63
F = F2020 × 1.6 56747 0.045 1188741 1229397 3 60 -51
F = F2020 × 2.0 70559 0.057 1188196 1215291 2 99 -40
Fpa 128627 0.11 1185843 1156148 -3 262 10
Fp.05^^^ 175909 0.15 1183847 1108191 -6 395 51
Flim 222289 0.19 1181814 1061333 -10 526 90
SSB (2022) = Blim 1263330 2.52 1075518 103000 -90 3457 981
SSB (2022) = Bpa 1160543 1.95 1100677 181000 -84 3167 893
SSB (2022) = MSYBtrigger 1160543 1.95 1100677 181000 -84 3167 893

Symbol Footnotes
* For this stock, the SSB is determined at spawning time (assumed to be mid-January) and is influenced by fisheries before spawning.
** SSB 2022 relative to SSB 2021.
*** Catches in 2021 relative to ICES estimates of catches in 2019 (35 520 tonnes) because only a fraction of the TAC is utilized.
# Assuming same catch scenario in 2022 as in 2021.
^ Advised catches for 2021 relative to the advised catches for 2020 (116 871 tonnes).
^^ The proposed Management Plan where F2021 = 0.045 and F2022 = 0.061 corresponds to a linear increase from F2020 = Fsq towards F = FMSY in 2025; SSB in 2022 is estimated assuming the F2022.
^^^ FP.05 is the maximum value of F applied when SSB > MSY Btrigger and when that will result in SSB = Blim with a 95% probability.