Advice and Scenarios Database

Herring (Clupea harengus) in subdivisions 20-24, spring spawners (Skagerrak, Kattegat, and western Baltic)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch
% SSB change**
% advice change***
2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024
(t) (ratio) (t) (t) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach: zero catch 0 0 80978 95882 18 0
Other scenarios
EU Baltic Sea multiannual plan (MAP)^: F=FMSY× SSB2022/MSYBtrigger 19391 0.147 79256 79224 0
MAP^: F=FMSYlower× (SSB2022/MSYBtrigger) 14025 0.102 79772 83745 5
F=FMSY 36088 0.31 77401 65861 -15
F=Fpa 44481 0.41 76296 59278 -22
F=Flim 47526 0.45 75860 56930 -25
SSB (2024)=Blim ^^
SSB (2024)=Bpa ^^
SSB (2024)=MSYBtrigger ^^
F=F2022 9073 0.064 80221 88093 10
Catch for bycatch fleets only ^^^ 6142 0.039 80475 90852 13

Symbol Footnotes
* For spring-spawning stocks, the SSB is determined at spawning time and is influenced by fisheries and natural mortality between 1 January and spawning time (April).
** SSB (2024) relative to SSB (2023).
*** The advised catch in 2021 was 0 tonnes.
^ Because SSB2022 is below MSY Btrigger, the FMSY and FMSY lower values in the MAP are adjusted by the SSB2022/MSY Btrigger ratio.
^^ Blim and Bpa cannot be achieved in 2024, even with zero catch.
^^^ Only the A-fleet that targets North Sea autumn-spawning (NSAS) herring and therefore catches WBSS herring as bycatch in the eastern part of the North Sea, assuming the same catch as in the intermediate year 2022. The D-fleet that is bycatch fleet has zero catch because of the intermediate year assumption (C- and F-fleets are directed WBSS fisheries so have zero catch in this scenario).