Advice and Scenarios Database

Cod (Gadus morhua) in divisions 7.e-k (eastern English Channel and southern Celtic Seas)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch (2018)^
Landings (2018)
Discards (2018)
Flandings (2018)
SSB (2019)
% SSB change *
% TAC change **
2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
(t) (t) (t) (ratio) (t) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach 3428 3076 352 0.3 12009 37 8.7
Other scenarios
F = 0 0 0 0 0 15663 79 -100
Fpa 5938 5328 610 0.58 9395 7.3 88
Flim 7506 6734 772 0.8 7800 -10.9 138
SSB (2019) = Blim 8004 7181 823 0.88 7300 -16.6 154
SSB (2019) = Bpa= MSY Btrigger 5062 4542 520 0.47 10300 17.6 61
F = F2017 4760 4271 489 0.44 10615 21 51
F = FMSY 3944 3539 405 0.35 11468 31 25
Mixed Fisheries Options
A: Max 5291 0.5 10063 14.9
B: Min 3036 0.26 12423 42
C: Stock 3429 0.3 12009 37
D: SQ effort 4760 0.44 10615 21
E: Value 4295 0.39 11100 27
F: Range 3834 0.34 11583

Symbol Footnotes
. Mixed-fisheries assumptions (note: ”fleet’s stock share” is used to describe the share of the fishing opportunities for each particular fleet, which has been calculated based on the single-stock advice for 2018 and the historical proportion of the stock landings taken by the fleet):
* SSB 2019 relative to SSB 2018.
** Landings in 2018 relative to TAC in 2017 (2830 t). The % change is not indicated for the mixed fishery options as calculations are available for total catch.
^ Total catch derived from the landings and discards catches ratio.
A Mximum scenrio: Ech fleet stops fishing when its lst stock shre is exhusted.
B Minimum scenario: Each fleet stops fishing when its first stock share is exhausted.
C Stok senario: Eah fleet stops fishing when its individual stok share is exhausted.
D SQ (status quo) effort scenario: The effort of each fleet in 2017 an 2018 is as in 2016.
E Valu scnario: Th ffort of ach flt is qual to th wightd avrag of th fforts rquird to catch th flt’s quota shar of ach of th stocks, whr th wights ar th rlativ catch valus of ach stock in th flt’s portfolio.
F Range scenario: where the potential or TAC mismatch in 2018 is minimised within the MSY range, or the demersal ish stocks or which such a range is available (Cod in divisions 7.e–k, Haddock in divisions 7.b–k, and Whiting in divisions7.b–ce–k)