Advice and Scenarios Database

Cod (Gadus morhua) in divisions 7.e-k (eastern English Channel and southern Celtic Seas)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch ^ (2019)
Wanted catch * (2019)
Unwanted catch * (2019)
Fwanted (2019)
SSB (2020)
% SSB change **
% TAC change ***
% Advice change ^^^
2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020
(t) (t) (t) (ratio) (t) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach: zero catch 0 0 0 0 6906 90.9 -100 -100
Other scenarios
MSY approach: FMSY×SSB(2019)/MSYBtrigger 588 543 45 0.12 6266 73.2 -82 -83
FMSY lower : 389 359 30 0.08 6482 79.2 -88 -89
FMSY lower×SSB(2019)/MSYBtrigger
FMSY upper : 914 843 71 0.2 5914 63.5 -73 -73
FMSY upper×SSB(2019)/MSYBtrigger
Fpa 2334 2154 180 0.58 4403 21.7 -30 -32
Flim 2970 2740 230 0.801 3744 3.5 -10.9 -13.4
SSB (2020) = Blim ^^
SSB (2020) = Bpa=
MSY Btrigger ^^
F = F2018 2430 2242 188 0.61 4303 18.9 -27 -29
F = FMSY 1531 1413 118 0.35 5252 45.2 -54 -55
F = FMSY lower 1059 977 82 0.23 5756 59 -66 -69
Mixed fisheries options
A: Max 2439 0.62 4278 18 -20
B: Min 0 0 6906 91 -100
C: Stock 0 0 6906 91 -100
D: SQ effort 2453 0.62 4263 18 -20
E: Value 1644 0.38 5129 42 -47
F: Range 0 0 6905 91 -100

Symbol Footnotes
. Mixed fisheries assumptions (note: ”fleet’s stock share” is used to describe the share of the fishing opportunities for each particular fleet, which has been calculated based on the single-stock advice for 2018 and the historical proportion of the stock landings taken by the fleet):
* “Wanted” and “unwanted” catch are used to describe fish that would be landed and discarded, respectively, in the absence of the EU landing obligation, based on average discard rate estimates for 2015–2017.
** SSB 2020 relative to SSB 2019.
*** Wanted catch in 2019 relative to TAC 2018 (3076 tonnes).
^ Total catch derived from the wanted catch and average discard rate for 2015–2017.
^^ The Blim and MSY Btrigger option are left blank because both Blim and MSY Btrigger cannot be achieved in 2020, even with zero advice.
^^^ Advice value for 2019 relative to the advice value for 2018 (3428 tonnes).
A Mximum scenrio: Ech fleet stops fishing when its lst stock shre is exhusted.
B Minimum scenario: Each fleet stops fishing when its first stock share is exhausted.
C Stok senario: Eah fleet stops fishing when its individual stok share is exhausted.
D SQ (status quo) effort scenario: The effort of each fleet in 2018 an 2019 is the same as in 2017.
E Valu scnario: Th ffort of ach flt is qual to th wightd avrag of th fforts rquird to catch th flt’s quota shar of ach of th stocks, whr th wights ar th rlativ catch valus (pric × wight) of ach stock in th flt’s portfolio.