Advice and Scenarios Database

Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in subareas 1-8 and 14 and Division 9.a (the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent waters)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch
Fages 4–8
SSB at spawning time
SSB at spawning time
% change SSB*
% change Catch**
% change Advice***
2023 2023-2024 2023 2024 2024 2024 2024
(t) (ratio) (t) (t) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach: F = FMSY 782066 0.26 3676187 3649119 -1 -31 -2
Other scenarios
F = 0 0 0 3834187 4442903 0.16 -100 -100
Catch2023 = catch2022 - 20% 905133 0.31 3649147 3494839 -4 -20 0.14
Catch2023 = catch2022 1131416 0.4 3597636 3333051 -7 0 0.42
Catch2023 = catch2022 + 25% 1414270 0.52 3529667 3131128 -11 0.25 0.78
F = F2022 1046177 0.36 3617323 3393970 -6 -8 0.32
Fpa 1042720 0.36 3618114 3397266 -6 -8 0.31
Flim 1284085 0.46 3561472 3169986 -11 0.13 0.62
SSB2024 = Blim 2654020 1.23 3168962 1995707 -37 1.35 2.34
SSB2024 = Bpa^ 1945604 0.78 3389356 2577596 -24 0.72 1.45

Symbol Footnotes
* SSB 2024 relative to SSB 2023.
** Catch in 2023 relative to estimated catches in 2022 (1 131 416 tonnes). There is no internationally agreed TAC for 2022.
*** Advice value for 2023 relative to the advice value for 2022 (794 920 tonnes).
^ SSB2024 values are the closest available approximation to Blim and Bpa.