Advice and Scenarios Database

Herring (Clupea harengus) in subdivisions 20-24, spring spawners (Skagerrak, Kattegat, and western Baltic)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch
% SSB change **
% advice change ***
2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020
(t) (ratio) (t) (t) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
MSY approach: zero catch 0 0 97975 117962 0.2 -1
Other scenarios
MAP (2018)^: F = FMSY × SSB2018/MSY Btrigger 26849 0.22 95790 93555 -0.023 -0.22
MAP (2018)^: F = FMSY lower × (SSB2018/MSY Btrigger) 19289 0.15 96445 100319 0.04 -0.44
MAP (2018)^: F = FMSY upper × (SSB2018/MSY Btrigger) 32149 0.26 95309 88869 -0.068 -0.071
FMSY 37118 0.31 94840 84275 -0.111 0.072
F = Fpa 41178 0.35 94418 80704 -0.145 0.19
F = Flim 50711 0.45 93433 72478 -0.22 0.46
SSB (2020) = Blim ^^ 0 0 97975 117962 0.2 -1
SSB (2020) = Bpa^^ 0 0 97975 117962 0.2 -1
SSB (2020) = MSYBtrigger^^ 0 0 97975 117962 0.2 -1
F = F2018 35869 0.3 94959 85373 -0.101 0.036
MAP (2016)^^^: F = FMSY × SSBy-1/ MSYMAPBtrigger 36391 0.3 94910 85158 -0.103 0.051
MAP (2016)^^^: F = FMSY.lower × SSBy-1/ MSYMAPBtrigger 27188 0.22 95760 93262 -0.026 -0.21
MAP (2016)^^^:F = FMSY.upper ×SSBy-1/ MSYMAPBtrigger 44906 0.39 94067 77788 -0.173 0.3
F = 0 {SSB2021 = 147 941} ^^^^ 0 0 97975 117962 0.2 -1
F = 0.05 {SSB2021 = 134 648} ^^^^ 6540 0.05 97462 111782 0.147 -0.81
F = 0.1 {SSB2021 = 122 673} ^^^^ 12776 0.1 96951 105941 0.093 -0.63
F = 0.15 {SSB2021 = 111 881} ^^^^ 18724 0.15 96443 100422 0.041 -0.46

Symbol Footnotes
* For spring-spawning stocks, the SSB is determined at spawning time and is influenced by fisheries and natural mortality between 1 January and spawning time (April).
** SSB (2020) relative to SSB (2019).
*** Advised catch 2019 relative to advised catch 2018 (34 618 t) for the western Baltic spring-spawning herring stock.
^ Revised Baltic MAP (2018) which refers to most recent reference points. As SSB is currently (2017) below MSY Btrigger, the Flower and Fupper values in the MAP are adjusted by the SSBy-1/MSY Btrigger ratio.
^^ The Blim and Bpa cannot be achieved in 2020 even with zero catch advice
^^^ Baltic multiannual management plan (MAP; EU, 2016); MSYMAPBtrigger = 110 kt, FMSY.MAP = 0.32, FMSY.MAP lower = 0.23, FMSY.MAP upper = 0.41. This is not applicable to SD20-21.
^^^^ To explore potential development of the stock, projections until 2021 with different low F scenarios are provided, where F2020 = F2019.