Advice and Scenarios Database

Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in Division 7.b, Functional Unit 17 (west of Ireland, Aran grounds)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch (PL + PDD + PSD)
Dead removals (PL + PDD)
Projected landings (PL)
Projected dead discards (PDD)
Projected surviving discards (PSD)
% harvest rate* (for PL + PDD)
% advice change **
2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023
(t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP^: FMSY × Stock abundance 2023 / MSY Btrigger 363 350 312 38 13 5.2 0.83
EU MAP^: FMSY lower × Stock abundance 2023 / MSY Btrigger 316 305 272 33 11 4.5 0.96
Other scenarios
FMSYupper*** × Stock abundance 2023 / MSYBtrigger 363 350 312 38 13 5.2 0.83
FMSY 592 571 509 62 21 8.5 64
FMSY lower 515 497 443 54 18 7.4 43
FMSY upper*** 592 571 509 62 21 8.5 64
F2021 589 568 507 61 20 8.5 64

Symbol Footnotes
* By number
** Advice values for 2023 relative to the corresponding 2022 values (MAP advice of 360 and 313 tonnes, respectively); other option values are relative to 360 tonnes.
*** FMSY upper = FMSY for this stock.
^ EU multiannual plan (MAP) for the Western Waters (EU, 2019).