Advice and Scenarios Database

Herring (Clupea harengus) in subdivisions 30 and 31 (Gulf of Bothnia)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch (2024)
F (2024)
SSB (2025)
% SSB change*
% TAC change**
% Advice change***
Probability SSB less than Blim in 2025 (%)^
2024 2024 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025
(t) (ratio) (t) (%) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP^^: FMSYx SSB(2024)/Btrigger 63049 0.208 430423 5 -21 -39 26
EU MAP^^: MAP range Flowerx SSB(2024)/Btrigger 48824 0.158 444084 8.3 -39 -39 21
Other scenarios
F = 0 0 0 491083 20 -100 -100 9
FMSY 80198 0.271 413976 1 0.2 -22 32
Flower 62491 0.206 430958 5.1 -22 -39 25
Fpa = FMSY upper 80463 0.272 413722 0.9 0.5 -22 32
Flim 135034 0.496 361570 -12 69 32 58
Fupperx SSB (2024)/Btrigger 63328 0.209 430155 4.9 -21 -39 26
SSB (2025)=Blim 119217 0.427 376655 -8.1 49 16 50
SSB (2025)= Bpa##
SSB (2025)= MSYBtrigger##
SSB (2025)= SSB (2024) 84420 0.287 409930 0 5.4 -18 34
F=F2023 74845 0.251 419108 2.2 -6.5 -27 29

Symbol Footnotes
* SSB 2025 relative to SSB 2024.
** Catch in 2024 relative to the TAC in 2023 (80074 tonnes).
*** Advice values for 2024 relative to the corresponding 2023 values (EU MAP advice of 102719 [FMSY], 103 059 [Fupper] and 80074 [Flower] tonnes, respectively; other values are relative to 102719 tonnes).
# Based on stochastic forecasts, using the F with three decimals to get close to the biomass target.
## The Bpa, and MSYBtrigger options were left blank because Bpa, and MSYBtrigger cannot be achieved in 2025, even with zero catch in 2024.
^ The probability of SSB being below Blim in 2025. This probability relates to the short-term probability of SSB <; Blim and is not comparable to the long-term probability of SSB <; Blim tested in simulations when estimating fishing mortality reference points.
^^ MAP multiannual plan (EU, 2016, 2019, 2020).