Advice and Scenarios Database

Sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in subdivisions 22-32 (Baltic Sea)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total catch (2025)
Ftotal (2025)
SSB (2025)
SSB (2026)
% SSB change *
% TAC change **
% advice change ***
% Probability SSB < Blim in 2026^
2025 2025 2025 2026 2026 2025 2025 2026
(t) (ratio) (t) (t) (%) (%) (%) (%)
ICES Basis Advice
EU MAP^^^: FMSY 164947 0.34 530445 750348 41 -33 -32 8
EU MAP^^^: range Flower 130195 0.26 544794 791738 45 -47 -32 5
EU MAP^^^: range Fupper 169131 0.35 528587 745651 41 -31 -32 9
Other scenarios
F=0 0 0 592399 958710 62 -100 -100 0
F=Fpa 169131 0.35 528587 745651 41 -31 -30 9
F=Flim 256291 0.58 491060 644202 31 4.5 6.1 19
SSB (2026) =Blim 365841 1.2 399978 459094 14.8 49 51 50
SSB (2026) =Bpa 321171 0.87 444753 541487 22 31 33 35
SSB (2026) =MSYBtrigger 321171 0.87 444753 541487 22 31 33 35
SSB (2026) =SSB (2024) 231416 0.47 509664 692035 36 -5.6 -4.2 13
F=F2024 197214 0.42 516497 711732 38 -20 -18.4 11

Symbol Footnotes
* SSB2026 relative to SSB2025.
** Catch in 2025 relative to the sum of autonomous quotas in 2024 (245200 t = EU quota of 201 000 t + Russian Federation quota of 44 200 t ).
*** Advice value this year relative to the advice value last year (241604 tonnes).
^ The probability of SSB being below SSB reference points in 2026. This probability relates to the short-term probability of SSB <; Blim and MSY Btrigger and is not comparable to the long-term probability of SSB <; Blim and MSY Btrigger tested in simulations when estimating fishing mortality reference points.
^^ Advice value this year relative to the advice value last year for the multiannual plan (MAP) range Flower (191075 tonnes) and MAP range Fupper (247704 tonnes)
^^^ MAP (EU, 2016, 2019, 2020).