Advice and Scenarios Database

Undulate ray (Raja undulata) in divisions 7.d and 7.e (English Channel)
StockCode (Assessment Component)
Assessment Year
Stock Category
Stock Assessment Key

Catch scenarios

Total landings
Fishing mortality F2026/FMSY
Stock size B2027/BMSY *
% B change **
% advice change***
corresponding landings
2026 2026 2027 2027 2027 2026
(t) (ratio) (ratio) (%) (%) (t)
ICES Basis Advice
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) approach (15th percentile of predicted landings distribution under F = FMSY) 4637 0.59 1.71 -3.4 -3.8 3639
Other scenarios
FMSY 7402 1 1.57 -11.3 54 5809
F=F2024 1225 0.145 1.87 5.7 -75 961
F=0 0 0 1.92 8.8 -100 0
Landings = 10th percentile of predicted landings distribution under F=FMSY 4145 0.52 1.73 -2.1 -14 3253
Landings = 20th percentile of predicted landings distribution under F=FMSY 5068 0.65 1.69 -4.6 5.1 3977
Landings = 35th percentile of predicted landings distribution under F=FMSY 6230 0.82 1.63 -7.9 29 4889

Symbol Footnotes
* Percentage change of B2027/BMSY relative to B2026/BMSY. Biomass is at 01 January.
** Advice value for 2026 relative to the advice value for 2025 (4821 tonnes).
*** Based on the contribution of landings to removals in 2023