Advice and Scenarios Database

Here you can find the advice values and catch scenarios tables from ICES fish stock assessments as presented in the published advice.

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ID View advice in library StockCode Publication Date Advice Applicable From Advice Applicable Until Advice Value Advice Type Advice Category Advice Requester Data Category

2881 bli.27.5b67 (2023) 10/06/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2023 10952 Catches MSY 1

3149 bli.27.5b67 (2024) 10/06/2022 01/01/2024 31/12/2024 10972 Catches MSY 1

3182 bli.27.5b67 (2022) 10/06/2020 01/01/2022 31/12/2022 10859 Catches MSY 1

3183 bli.27.5b67 (2020) 07/06/2018 01/01/2020 31/12/2020 11150 Catches MSY 1

1132 bli.27.5a14 13/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2020 483 Catches PA Iceland~NEAFC~EC 3.3

2677 bli.27.5a14 15/06/2021 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 334 Catches PA Iceland~NEAFC~EC 3.2

2716 bli.27.5a14 13/06/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2019 1520 Catches PA Iceland~NEAFC~EC 3.3

2725 bli.27.5a14 07/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 1957 Catches PA Iceland~NEAFC~EC 3.3

3659 bli.27.5a14 07/06/2024 01/09/2024 31/08/2026 307 Catches MSY Iceland~NEAFC~EC 3

3676 bli.27.123a4 07/06/2024 01/01/2025 31/12/2028 0 Catches PA 5

2676 aru.27.6b7-1012 10/06/2021 01/01/2022 21/12/2023 124 Landings PA 3.2

2701 aru.27.6b7-1012 11/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2021 193 Catches PA 3.2

2724 aru.27.6b7-1012 07/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2019 14 Landings PA 3.2

3300 aru.27.6b7-1012 09/06/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2025 87 Catches MSY 3.2

1238 aru.27.5b6a 11/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2021 7703 Landings PA 3.2

2723 aru.27.5b6a 07/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2019 12036 Landings PA EC 3.2

2879 aru.27.5b6a 17/06/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2023 17078 Landings MSY EC 1

3248 aru.27.5b6a 09/06/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2024 17695 Catches MSY EC 1

3589 aru.27.5b6a 07/06/2024 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 18966 Landings MSY EC 1

1160 aru.27.5a14 13/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2020 9124 Catches PA Iceland 3.3

1333 aru.27.5a14 15/06/2021 01/01/2022 31/12/2022 9244 Catches MSY Iceland

2470 aru.27.5a14 15/06/2022 01/09/2022 31/08/2023 11520 Catches MSY Iceland 1

2715 aru.27.5a14 13/06/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2019 7603 Catches PA Iceland 3.3

2722 aru.27.5a14 07/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 9310 Catches PA Iceland 3.3

3413 aru.27.5a14 09/06/2023 01/09/2023 31/08/2024 12080 Catches MSY Iceland 1

3658 aru.27.5a14 07/06/2024 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 12273 Catches MSY Iceland 1

1304 aru.27.123a4 10/06/2021 01/01/2022 31/12/2023 10271 Landings PA 3

2699 aru.27.123a4 11/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2021 10270 Catches PA 3.2

2721 aru.27.123a4 07/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2019 15656 Catches PA 3.2

3243 aru.27.123a4 09/06/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2025 9499 Catches MSY 3

3650 aru.27.123a4 (2025) 07/06/2024 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 16732 Catches MSY 2.11

3651 aru.27.123a4 (2026) 07/06/2024 01/01/2026 31/12/2026 16640 Catches MSY 2.11

1156 ank.27.8c9a 28/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2020 2050 Catches PA 3.2

1348 ank.27.8c9a 30/06/2021 01/01/2022 31/12/2022 1969 Catches MSY EC 2.11

2602 ank.27.8c9a 30/06/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2021 1800 Catches PA EC 3.2

2641 ank.27.8c9a 07/12/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2019 2212 Catches PA EC 3.2

2657 ank.27.8c9a 30/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 2349 Catches MSY EC 1

2856 ank.27.8c9a 30/06/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2023 2064 Catches MSY EC 2

3452 ank.27.8c9a 30/06/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2024 2111 Catches MSY EC 2

3595 ank.27.8c9a 28/06/2024 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 2486 Catches MSY EC 2.11
Total results: 1312 Total pages: 33 Current page: 32