Advice and Scenarios Database

Here you can find the advice values and catch scenarios tables from ICES fish stock assessments as presented in the published advice.

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Advice Requester

ID View advice in library StockCode Publication Date Advice Applicable From Advice Applicable Until Advice Value Advice Type Advice Category Advice Requester Data Category

2778 reg.27.561214 13/06/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2020 43568 Catches MP EC 1

2788 reg.27.561214 13/06/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2019 43600 Catches MP EC 1

2798 reg.27.561214 13/06/2017 01/01/2018 31/12/2018 50800 Catches MP EC 1

2812 reg.27.561214 15/06/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2023 25545 Catches MP EC 1

3411 reg.27.561214 09/06/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2024 41286 Catches MSY EC 1

3584 reg.27.561214 07/06/2024 01/01/2025 31/12/2025 46911 Catches MSY EC 1

1223 rhg-nea 04/06/2015 01/01/2016 31/12/2020 0 Catches PA EC~NEAFC 6.3

2690 rhg.27.nea 10/06/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2025 0 Catches PA 6.3

3349 rja.27.nea 04/10/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2023 0 Catches PA 6.3

3467 rja.27.nea 04/10/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2027 0 Catches PA 6

3362 rjb.27.3a4 04/10/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2021 - NoAd NoAdv 6.3

3492 rjb.27.3a4 04/10/2023 01/01/2024 31/12/2027 0 Landings PA 6

3325 rjb.27.67a-ce-k 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 - NoAd NoAdv 6

3394 rjb.27.67a-ce-k 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 - NoAd NoAdv 6.3

3028 rjb.27.89a 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 NA NoAd NoAdv 6

3281 rjc.27.3a47d 01/10/2021 01/01/2022 31/12/2023 2446 Landings PA 3

3359 rjc.27.3a47d 04/10/2019 01/01/2020 31/12/2021 2237 Landings PA 3

2955 rjc.27.6 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 96 Landings MSY 3

3029 rjc.27.6 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 137 Landings PA 3

3030 rjc.27.6 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 174 Landings PA 3.2

3061 rjc.27.7afg 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 1833 Landings MSY 3

3324 rjc.27.7afg 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 1596 Landings PA 3

3393 rjc.27.7afg 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 1663 Landings PA 3.2

3062 rjc.27.7e 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 170 Landings PA 5

3323 rjc.27.7e 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 170 Landings PA 5

3392 rjc.27.7e 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 212 Landings PA 5.2

3322 rjc.27.8 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 389 Landings PA 3.2

3390 rjc.27.8 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 276 Landings PA 3.2

3391 rjc.27.8 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 276 Landings PA 3.2

3064 rjc.27.8c 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 201 Catches MSY 3.2

3065 rjc.27.9a 04/11/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 1452 Landings MSY 3

3321 rjc.27.9a 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 1717 Landings PA 3.2

3389 rjc.27.9a 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 1431 Landings PA 3.2

3066 rje.27.7de 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 32 Landings PA 5

3320 rje.27.7de 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 40 Landings PA 5

3388 rje.27.7de 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 40 Landings PA 5.2

3067 rje.27.7fg 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 86 Landings MSY 3

3319 rje.27.7fg 02/10/2020 01/01/2021 31/12/2022 123 Landings PA 3

3387 rje.27.7fg 05/10/2018 01/01/2019 31/12/2020 192 Landings PA 3.2

3068 rjf.27.67 04/10/2022 01/01/2023 31/12/2024 134 Landings PA 5
Total results: 1313 Total pages: 33 Current page: 24